Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Due to recent quit-firings, the exact circumstances of which are extreamely unimportant, I now work for a company that does taxes and maybe some other stuff too. They love florescent lights, lime green, posters that just skim the surface of being informative, pictures of keys and lightbulbs, not wearing jeans, instant money refund loans, not talking about sex, religion or politics, computers and the appointment manager computer program. I love paychecks and the last thing created by the post-it company. They're post-its, but tiny and narrow, specially designed for marking pages and NOT posting notes. I also love the smell of scotch tape and overall I guess you could say I have a passion for office supplies. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, I haven't even touched the fax machine yet. Oh the anticipation.
I'm so bored. I'm so bored that i had to invent a new word for boredom to accurately convey my current mental state: Morpathetic. it's the love child of morose and apathetic. It's perfect. On the other hand this job gives me the time and space to grow increasingly enraged at the current state of our world and the tiny affect that I have on it. Which seamlessly brings me to my next point: Dennis Kucinich. I like him and I would like to encourage my millions of readers to give him your support. Although, let's be honest here, that's probably just as good as not voting so maybe you should just go ahead and vote for the best looking candidate. I'm gonna go ahead and curl up with a bottle of gin in a puddle of my own salty tears. Bye bye for now.

personal note: Grandpa, i'm so happy to hear that your surgery went well. take great care of yourself. i love you!