Monday, March 8, 2010

Having Her Cake And Eating It Too

For me, making big decisions has always been a struggle. When faced with them I usually panic for a few minutes and then try to come up with a way to choose both options. For example: Do I get a dog and forgo my freedom or cling to my freedom and sacrifice companionship? Do I relocate to a place I don't want to be for work or do I stay where I want to be and remain unemployed? I've only found an answer for one of those things. And yes, I now have the companionship of a wonderful dog, but I also have my freedom. Before I figured this out, there were many well-meaning naysayers who tried to encourage me to preserve my freedom by saying nay to the whole thing. But there was someone very special who said yay: The lovely and amazing Alia Dumonde. She encouraged me to do exactly what I wanted and I did. And now, she continues to say yay to everything.
She has managed to do what many think would be impossible. A little over six months ago she gave birth to an amazing baby boy. Alia has always been a wanderer, a gypsy. As soon as she became an adult she pretty much hit the road. She lives for adventure. And now, with her partner and baby packed inter her (dodge) caravan, once again she's mobile. Alia is the most attentive yet relaxed new mother I have ever seen. Her and Michael love that baby more than life, and the life they have created suits them perfectly.
Today is Alias birthday. I'm so glad she was born. We need more people like her on this planet who show us that it's possible to have your cake and eat it to. Happy Birthday Alia! Thanks for being you.