Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Business Casual Part ll: When Charm Attacketh!

Guess what? No really, guess. ..... .... Okay fine! I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. This little lady has charmed the pants off of three individuals in charge of a brand new deluxe vegan restaurant. It's going to be a challenge for me to get past my deeply rooted mistrust of the vegan as a species, but for money i can do it! ' But how did she do it?' well, I'll tell you. she... i mean, I put on my finest business casual, which means black pants, uncomfortable shoes and something that doesn't reveal a bra strap. I walked in and revealed nothing but charm and pure, untouchable fabulousnous! I would like to take this moment to publicly thank Alia Dumonde (that's right, of The Alia Trip) who once said "The only interview you dress down for is when you're applying for food stamps or welfare." Well said you beautiful genius.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Comeback Tour

Hello friends! I've returned from a long absence once again as I love to do. I'm like Cher that way. You know, always having a comeback/farewell tour to increase fans love for me and my ravishing outfits. And by ravishing outfits I mean gripping words. I bet you are all dying to know what I've been up to.
I was back on my native island paradise for the summer working, but not that much. And now I'm back in my semi-urban not-paradise being unemployed. It's so sweet! I am absolutely loving going around to business' and begging them to evaluate me based on a piece of paper and the magnitude of my smile only to have them say 'no thanks' and heave my broke, rejected ass back to hopelessness. Can you hear the loud splash of my tears hitting the keyboard as I write this? I can. Fuck employment! Oh..... fuck poverty as well. I'm confused....
On a lighter note I've decided to dive deep into the cut throat world of academia. That's right, belly dancing. A great middle eastern art that centers itself around swishy fabrics, big jewelry and jingling things. Okay...bye