Saturday, November 29, 2008

I turn to my readers for help

Good morning! This is going to be a quick one. Today, I am going to be asking you, my readers for information. I know it's out of the ordinary but forgive me, I need your help.
Here is my pickle: I need to make money by May. You see, I would like to return to Morocco and do some more frolicking. Unfortunately this is not a charity mission otherwise I would simply ask for more donations for the N.L Malinoff Foundation. I need something on a par with selling eggs but a little less icky, also something that doesn't require one to have good genes, but something that makes about the same amount. Keep in mind that i don't want to do anything too degrading, but I'll go pretty low. You're probably thinking 'get a job you bum!' I'm one step ahead of you, i have one, but it doesn't start until January and it hovers only slightly above minimum wage.
For idea submissions please use the comment section of my blog. And for those of you that don't want to do it that way please e-mail seems fishy about posting my e-mail address on such a public widely viewed page.... If you can crack this code then you can avoid the complex comment section: First letter of the name of my foundation + last name + And please refrain from sending my information on how to get cheap meds or fake Rolex's or penis enlargement devices. Thank you for your time.