Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In the kitchen...

As of right now I'm introducing a new segment to Great Achievements. A how-to of basic everyday things. Today i'm going to give away a secret recipe for soup. It has been passed down to me from myself through many generations. It's an instant classic, a family favorite and good for poor people. I call it Nicole soup.

Begin by sauteeing carrots, celery and onion in a large pot. While this is happening chop up any other vegetables you might have cluttering your fridge. Once the carrots, celery and onions are softish (oh yeah, sautee in olive oil if you must but butter is better) then put in other veggies. Let those cook, then add a can of tomatoes or fresh tomatoes, stir it around and then add stock. Whatever stock you have. Let it cook a little and then season with whatever you want as long as what you want is a shit load of cumin. Bon Apetit

P.s i would like to dedicate this posting to my mom, Liz and my boyfriend, Michael. Both are glorious cooks and today is their birthday. Happy Birthday you Piscean kitchen wizards!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

men make people think that women wear funny pants

let me begin by saying that I have no problem with transvestites as people. But what I do have a problem with is their lack of fashion sence. I was just on my lunch break at the fancy market across the street from where I work. I was just taking a bite of cold meat loaf when I saw a man with long curly hair and a sparkly fitted tourquios top. Fabulous right? Wrong. He had paired it with parachute pants that appeared to be decorated with the galaxy. I was in such shock I could barely swallow my cold meat loaf! With all the glorious fashions and thrift store gems available to women (and men) one might think that if one would bother to dress as a different sex that one might want to do it justice. But if you don't want to that's okay too. I'm sure parachute pants are very comfortable. And by the way i'm a very tolerant person, fully accepting of all kinds of beauty and the glowing light within us all.