Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Business Casual Part ll: When Charm Attacketh!

Guess what? No really, guess. ..... .... Okay fine! I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. This little lady has charmed the pants off of three individuals in charge of a brand new deluxe vegan restaurant. It's going to be a challenge for me to get past my deeply rooted mistrust of the vegan as a species, but for money i can do it! ' But how did she do it?' well, I'll tell you. she... i mean, I put on my finest business casual, which means black pants, uncomfortable shoes and something that doesn't reveal a bra strap. I walked in and revealed nothing but charm and pure, untouchable fabulousnous! I would like to take this moment to publicly thank Alia Dumonde (that's right, of The Alia Trip) who once said "The only interview you dress down for is when you're applying for food stamps or welfare." Well said you beautiful genius.

1 comment:

Alia said...

Hell Yeah! I'm back in the blog world too! Something about employment inspires writing genious. Go Nicole! I'm so proud of you. I want to spread the good word (but not because it's a secret like the Mason's) about fancy pants and their roots in success.