Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dried Fruit: i guess it's actually o.k

I have been a loyal hater of dried fruit for as long as I can remember. I always thuoght, 'Why destroy something perfectly lovely just to haul it around in a gross back pack?' A few weeks ago I was introduced to the shriveled apricot and it wasn't completely disgusting! At that moment everything came into focus. Everything I had thought before was wrong. It was really a new day for me. When I started thinking of the things one could do with a dried apricot it was like the universe was opening up revealing the infinity inside. I imagine it was similar to what that guy was feeling when he invented the wheel.
Although I have come around to the apricot and I almost like dates, raisins are still really fucking stupid and no one will ever change that.

1 comment:

Alia said...

I had the same experience with cottage cheese. It just sounds like something that wouldn't be good, but I rediscovered it like a week ago. It's creamy and cheesy but lowfat, mix it with some avocado and Sriracha and put that over rice and you've got yourself a bowl of low-fat love. (except for the avocado) p.s. I've lost 10 pounds already on the avocado, red-bull diet!
yeah, so i like your idea of having a convo over the comments section! Have fun at the orifice. call me and leave a reambling message.
p.s. do you ever go over to market of choice to get your lunch? If you do will you give them a message from me, that i want my fingerprint back from the machine and to go f themselves