Thursday, December 31, 2009

Giving Up

Happy new year everyone! Is anyone out there making resolutions this year? Or as I like to call it, grand dreams that are crushed by the weight of your own lazy ass? This is the first year that I'm doing absolutely no reflecting, no goal setting. In previous years I've gone to bed around ten thinking of all the ways that I suck and how, by tomorrow, I'm going to change into the person I think I want to be. The list is as follows: Go to the dentist, write every day, find a spiritual life, stop eating sugar, read more, find a real job, watch fewer movies and become a better belly dancer. So far I've become a better dancer and now, when I do eat sugar my throat hurts, but I still eat it. I've come to realize that I always just do exactly what I want whenever I'm good and ready to do it. I still have all of my teeth, my eyes aren't pixelated from the amount of movies I watch and I seem to be doing fine with out 'God' or anything. It feels so good to let go and just give up. And once you drop the things that aren't serving you, you make more room for good things. When I dropped out of film school six years ago I woke up every morning feeling so free and weightless. The following year I traveled alone for my first time and it was the best decision I had ever made.
Forgive me for what I'm about to say: In 2010 I urge you all to quit something. Think long and hard about what you want, your likes and dislikes and then storm into wherever and sing your resignation from the belly of your soul, send a cowardly e-mail, eat some cake or just stop showing up. Just remember, there's no shame in being a quitter. Good luck.

1 comment:

yona c. riel said...

hey nicole... where's your follow button?? btw, i blog too at how can i follow the most brilliant mind of the.... if you have no button???
thanks for the no-guilt trip... i agree.. yona