Monday, February 8, 2010

Fighting on.

The other day I had a brief conversation with my Mother. She encouraged me to go to school and learn some sort of marketable skill because my long streak of unemployment has her concerned.
"But I don't like school and marketable skills aren't very fun." I told her. Yesterday I passed this on to my very dear friend.
"Maybe she's right." She said "You should stop trying to be right and just conform."
Perhaps I should fill you in: You see, K through 12 was a nightmare. I had a little trouble grasping information in the way it was presented to me, so I fell in and out of special ed while my social life hit various peaks and valleys along with it. When I was not in special ed -which was eventually called alternative school- my grades hovered in some grey area between C- and D+. So my options for college by the time I graduated were slim. And I didn't want to go anyway. Now I realize that those who don't conform and go on to higher education become homeless.
Last night I entertained the fantasy of becoming a teacher. I imagined standing in front of a fourth grade classroom working out a complex word problem on the board. You know the one: Little Jane has no income; she spends $22 a week on dance classes and $4o a week on groceries. How much does she have left to spend on dog food?
A little girl raises her hand "I don't get it." She says
"What could I do to help you understand it better?" I ask her. In that moment I'm able to go back in time and repair my own damages by helping out a tiny me. It's perfect!
I immediately went online and found a nice little one year program at the U of O. I clicked on the 'apply' button and skimmed through the requirements: A high school GPA of at least 3.0. Shit. I then went on the community college website and looked at the programs.
''Hmmm....Do I want auto mechanics or retail management?"
After thinking about it all night I decided to fight on. I'm going to continue breaking molds. I'm going to become one of the few undereducated people to have some really great job or I'm going to be the prettiest and most charming homeless person ever to hit the streets.


Alia said...

"All college teaches you is how to fill out forms and talk in circles"--M.O.C.
It's time to get creative. Farm internships start in April, but hippie communes take new people all year long. Live-in nanny? There are so many options in this world when you aren't held down by a specific ambition, but just a solid sense of what you like and don't like. Like: dance class. Don't like: College. What else do you like? Life is for living not preparing to live. Here's another quote:
"A true genius knows how to avoid hard work at all costs." -- Brendan Behan.
Can't wait to see you soon so I can teach you a "marketable skill" that's also fun--EBAYING!!!


blidgett said...

Okay, not to totally contradict Alia, but technically, you don't know that you don't like college. Right?
I vote for your happiness, and I know you're going to keep on having it no matter what path you take.
Happy seeking.

Alia said...

Blidgett--is that Bridgett? Just wanted to tell you I deleted my facebook account, did NOT "unfriend" you in case you were wondering...LOL LMFAO WTF TTYL, etc....