Saturday, February 3, 2007

the smell of hope

this morning i encountered a full grown man carefully and skillfully walking backwards. i must say, it turned my frown upside-down. thank you good sir! alas, my frown has righted itself once again. i am still waiting to get on the employment train headed for greener employment pastures, where you get paid above minimum wage for plowing these green pastures. i'm holding out now for an art supply store. i handed my resume to a waif-like, red headed young man with the sweetness of a grandmother. he likes his job. he is sorrouned by the tempting smell of paints, adhiesives and freshly sharpened penciles. All coming together to create the aroma of success and creative genius. speaking of smells, i've discovered that little ol' eugene is beginning to sweat some more urban fumes, such as pee and sometimes barf! this thrills me as this town was said to once sport anarchists and other types that make people nervous. before moving here, i was fantasizing about telling tales of 'the bad part of town' that i braved one night and fought off a mugger. i was greatly disappointed to find that there really isn't one. but every time i pass through a cloud of stench a new hope washes over me. and it is my wish for all of my faithful readers that today, you pass through your very own hope filled stench cloud. thankyou for your time.

1 comment:

Alia said...

I want to buy a bottle of what you're smelling.

Alia (The Alia Trip)